If you observe a noise on your automobile, you are right to be aware of it and take it seriously, although it is possible that nothing major will happen, it is also possible that it is the precursor to a more notable service. A window noise on Renault Twizy is thankfully an indicator of a small adjustment / service, rather than a difficult process. To support you in your research, we have decided to write this content to explain the most likely solutions to your trouble. First we will look at the window noises on Renault Twizy of clicking type, then those of squeaking type and finally the window noises on Renault Twizy that come from the window lift motor.windows-noise-renault-twizy

I listen to a noise of a Renault Twizy window: clicking

A window noise on Renault Twizy can be due to several problems, if in your case you experience a window noise on Renault Twizy that sounds like a click, like glass for example, it is possible that one of your two lower glass fasteners has broken. In fact, they are often produced from polymer and their strength is not always that good. To check this you will have to remove your door pannel and check their state. If you listen to a window noise on Renault Twizy but you have the feeling that it vibrates when it is opened, it may be the wear of the seals or the position of your rubber guides that causes this play. If you listen to a clicking noise on Renault Twizy, but after checking your window is not the cause, read this article.

I listen to a squeaky Renault Twizy window noise

Second probability, you listen to a window noise on Renault Twizy that looks more like a squeaking or grinding sound, in this instance, it is quite possible that it is a drying of the seals and/or the mechanism that is involved. In fact, because of the sun or heat, your seals can dry up and trigger this problematic window noise on Renault Twizy. To reduce it, you will have to take apart the door panel and grease your seals with a non-corrosive product for plastic, it is also possible that it is your device that causes this noise, in this instance, the same remedy but on the device directly. If this squeaking noise after checking out is not from your door, have a look at this content about squeaking noises on Renault Twizy to locate the source.

I listen to a noise of motor-type Renault Twizy glass

Finally, if you experience a window noise on Renault Twizy that looks like an electric motor noise when you move your window up or down, it is very likely that your window electric motor lift is at the end of its life. Generally speaking this should be connected with a much longer raising or opening time. Verify the motor condition and have it changed if necessary. If this noise is not from your window motor but from something else in your door, check out this content on door noises on Renault Twizy.