If you pay attention to a noise on your vehicle, you are right to be aware of it and take it seriously, although it is possible that nothing major will results, it is also possible that it is the signal of a more critical fix. A noise that happens in the trunk of your Nissan Altima is luckily more a signal of a small adjustment or repair, rather than a difficult one. To help you in your research, we have chosen to generate this content page to present you with the most likely solutions to your issue. First we will see that this trunk noise on your Nissan Altima can come from built up dirt, the issue can also come from a loose lock and finally, it can even come from a simple rivet that sits inside your bumper.
Noise in the trunk Nissan Altima : Accumulated dirt that causes poor closing
We will therefore start with a trunk noise on your Nissan Altima triggered by dirt accumulated on your joints, lock for example. Indeed, it is possible that on a vehicle that is already a few years old and whose cleaning is not always a priority or that the roads used are not very clean that dirt accumulates at the trunk gasket. This issue causes a poor closure of the trunk and a noise that can sound like a crack. To examine if you are in this condition, open the trunk of your Nissan Altima, verify the state of the gasket that runs around the entire tailgate and clean it with a wet/soap cloth, dry the whole thing and try to close the trunk and take a dentred road to see the difference. If this is not the case, continue to the other hypotheses that will probably give a solution. It is possible however that you have a trunk noise on your Nissan Altima that is linked to other origins such as shock absorbers, do not hesitate to have a look to this content page on the noises at the back of a Nissan Altima.
Noise in the trunk of my Nissan Altima : Loose lock, clicking noise
Second possibility, you may also, over time, knowledge a locking system that has taken up some play. And this is one of the most likely possibilities. Indeed, knowing a trunk noise on your Nissan Altima is very frequently linked to this issue. Several solutions are existing to you according to the level of play you have with your lock. The first is that sometimes the offset is minimal and a simple greasing of the mechanism with thick grease is more than enough to solve the issue. Secondly, it is also possible that you really have a lot of play on your lock and that each time the trunk “jumps”, in which circumstance you would have to remove the cover that permits access to the lock (inside the trunk). Then, using torx screws, you unscrew the striker attached to the threshold, just push it back a little towards the inside of the trunk and tighten it again. Be sure you examine the centering of the striker in regards to the trunk lock. If after verifying the trunk of your Nissan Altima closes badly, it means that you have moved it too far, duplicate the operation by pushing the striker less.
Noise in my trunk Nissan Altima : Rivet following plate swap in the trunk/ bumper
Finally, one of the last possibilities. It is that following a license plate swap you were unlucky and that a piece of rivet fell behind your plate. Indeed, when a plate replacement is made, to remove the old one the technique used is to drill the existing rivets to be able to release the license plate. Unfortunately, it can happen that part of the rivet falls into the hole of the bumper and it will therefore wander inside the bumper and can generate an annoying noise. To check that it is this problem you are experiencing, and that you have a trunk noise on your Nissan Altima linked to a rivet, you will need to examine that it is in the tailgate open it and stir it to define the noise. If this is your case, you will have to remove the linings from the trunk to remove it. Finally, if it is your bumper, it is in this rarer and more disturbing case, you will have to remove the bumper to remove the bits of rivet that are running around.